Serious Issues

There's a lot of news in the world, and the reason everybody thinks it's the end of the world is because bad news sells better than good news! There is good news, and one of the good newses is that Diesel Sweeties might be in your local newspaper! Now I know what you're thinking -- what the hell is a newspaper? -- but I assure you they still exist and can be made marginally better.
If you're not familiar with The Gynostryker's modus operandi, you should click about six words back.
"Again with the global warming," you say! But you know what, global warming is serious. How serious? This serious.
There is a movie called Brick that you need to see because it's really good. Also there is a movie called Clerks 2 that you don't need to see. Watching Clerks 2 is like watching a 6-year-old girl who is dressed like a fairy princess throw up for two hours. She is throwing up on her favorite teddy bear, and you can't do anything about it.
"Democrats are more likely to travel internationally"
How the heck is that a fact exactly? How does someone's political affilation affect their AIR TRAVEL HABITS
Did your professor say where he got that statistic. It sounds like one of those dumb things Ann Coulter says, like how those damn liberal elites espresso machines produce more CFCs than Rascal Flatts' telecasters do combined.
Hee hee, it looks like the Ultimate Warrior is giving a bj in a wind tunnel.
BTW Jeff, did you her our old OU prof Dr. Deming testifing for Jim Inhofe that Global warming was a FIB ands we need to pu out MORE CO2 to prevent a Ige age?
I got my cat whiskers from Dr. Deming. He is insane but is nice to small critters.
Brick is really good! It was also filmed at the high school I used to go to, but I'm pretty sure I'm not in it.
Im taking a college class right now, and just a few days ago I was getting really upset and complaining that there aren't any heroes these days. There seems to be no one even remotely close to say, MLK or John Lennon. Maybe Barak Obama. Maybe.
I really agree on Clerks 2. I found that the two or three good jokes were overshadowed by horrible characters, bad acting, and a worse plotline. And why did everyone start singing and dancing to the Jackson 5?
Jeffery, I hope you dont mind if I plug my own webcomic, which can be accessed via my profile.. I want people to read my comics, then let me know they read them by leaving comments. Thats all.
Dustin, your first post didnt make any sense, as Jeffery pointed out. I just recommend you refrain from echoing professors without putting some thought into the statement.
Sorry everyone, for the long post.
I hope global warming kills us all so the animals can take over the world again.
Brick is a damn good film! saw it a few months ago.
on 60 minutes recently the head of NASA's team researching global warming was being interviewed. he said we have ten years to reverse the damage we've done before global warming reaches the "tipping point."
NASA has only allowed him to be interviewed this one time because he made this claim during a speech a while back. they even had a "NASA Representative" in the same room, recording the interview seperately.
Friday night I got drunk and forced a friend of mine to watch Brick. Not in that order, but that sounds more amusing.
And particulate pollution actually does cool the Earth. In the three days after 9/11, when no planes were allowed to fly, the average temperature at over 50,000 weather stations around the US was more than one degree centigrade higher than normal - a substantial difference, especially considering the three day periods on either side of it were slightly cooler than average. Essentially, particulates put more objects into the air around which water droplets can group, leading to more smaller droplets that remain suspended longer than a few large ones. These in turn reflect a higher percentage of the sun's rays. The lesson here isn't that they should be making the world cooler and thus global warming is a giant hoax, but that they're actually masking the effects of global warming, which has thus been more severe than we've realized.
I have no idea what they are feeding the people who enjoyed Clerks 2.
I understand dustin.. My point was that you were stereotyping both democrats and republicans. Many repugs are filthy rich. Some are dirt poor, and plenty are middle class. Same goes for dems. I felt like your post was pushing that 'liberal elite' nonesense.
Planes pollute. But planes are very low down on the list of problems. Mass transportation is usually a good thing. My problem with Al Gore was that he seemed to think that better emmision standards would save the earth. It would take much much more. He didnt even touch on factory farms for example. I still thought the movie was very informative.. and at least he is trying to get people concerned. However, Weedmaster P might be right about it being to late.
Oh, thanks for calling me Jim, but I dont go by that name any more...heh heh.
If you didn't like Clerks 2 you must be as blind as Ann Frank.
Baby is wearing a tiara like Tallahassee. Did they manage to overcome their differences and become friends?
Hurray for the Imogen Heap reference. Also I loved how everybody in the first panel is rambling insanely, except Jeffery (who is rambling sanely).
I like the space mirror idea. We can reflect sunlight away from the Earth. Alternatively, we could use the mirrors to focus lots of light on our enemies and destroy them. Take that, Singapore!
Brick was SUCH A GOOD MOVIE, i looveddd it. yes for hard boiled gumshoe detectives and femme fatales and some really neat dialogue!
i have not seen Clerks 2 so i can not comment on it with as much enthusiasm as brick. however, i have heard of global warming! it does stink! someone told me that my christmas lights were melting the polar ice caps and drowning the polar bears, and i almost cried. i'm not sure if i should like christmas any more. ):
hehehe ;)
Also, dead week is the week of "no assignments" where you study for hell week, which is when all of the exams take place. Then again, I'm an old man of 26, so maybe it's change in the four years since I've been out of college
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That Clerks 2 analogy was the best analogy I've ever read or heard.
I've never seen the movie but that analogy was awesome.
Arguing about whether Democrats or Republicans are better for the environment is like arguing about whether McDonald's or KFC is healthier: There may be an answer but does it really matter?
Wax boff.. perhaps its best to ignore comments like dustin's... but the internet has oodles of strange dusty corners. Considering there is probably a message board for fans of Ace of Base and many more dedicated to Lindsey Lohan's fire-crotch... Well, this board can't possibly be so unimportant.
Speaking of Lohan.. Would it be easier for Al Gore to stop global warming? Or stop Lohan from getting drunk and flashing her noonie?
I once met a stereotypical republican - he was driving a solid gold Cadillac with upholstery made of endangered animals. He ran his Cadillac into an SUV with a Save the Whales sticker driven by a stereotypical democrat and they annihilated each other. A bunch of stereotypical moderates drove right past as if it happened every day.
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