
Honestly I'm gettin' kinda nervous about going to this "Snakes on a Plane" Hollywood thing. What if Paris Hilton is there? What if it is all awkward? One thing's for sure -- this is gonna be the weirdest week of my life so far, and this is from a guy that is me.
Oh, one other thing! The proto-type for the stuffed Joanna has been completed! She is made of minky, and minky feels like what I assume unicorn fur feels like. Just got some minor tweaks and in a few short weeks you will be able to own your very own hand-made Joanna doll with free martini glass!

ahhh. " The Unbearable Lightness of Joanna." Existental, Heimwehlich czech writers ain't got nothin' on stuffed, fuzzy drunken kitty kats.
I'm not worried about the movie in the theater, I'm worried about the time when I am gonna be on the "red carpet" doing interviews and getting photographed and stuff. Seriously I have to check in with New Line and I am going to be escorted down the red carpet.
Good call on the Tuxedo shirt! with the gene autry cowboy hat and star studded assless chaps.
Now there's a classy fella...
Wow. It is like I am looking at a comic but it is real life!
Jeffrey, you must set up a page specifically for the quadrillions of pictures you receive of stuffed Joannae surrounded by half-empty liquor bottles. I am serious about this. If you do not do this, my wrath will be inconceivable.
Dude, you turned an internet joke into the biggest movie of the year. You are going to have thousands of people clamoring over stuffed Joannas. You are going to be huge.
Well, More huge. Word on the street is that your you have to get your under wear specially made and you have to get a tailor to let out the crotch on your pant.
yeeessss! the stuffed joanna looks exactly (as in awesomely two-dimensionally) like i hoped/imagined...only somehow better.
and good luck in hollywood! carefully guard your neck, lest the vampires turn you!
Make a tshirt that says 'fuck hollywood.' That should do it.
love the Joanna, seriously sweet. Also, seconding the modified ownzor snakes-on-a-plane shirt as red carpet wear.
Show up drunk and a plane. Then run up and down the red carpet like it is a runway all MREEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWW POWPOWPOWPOWPOW DIE PARIS HILTON.
I really like the way she's held up with scissors--it looks like she is about to run with them, but slowly and stumbly, riddled with alcohol. I love her face, and I could use a free martini glass, so thanks.
It doesn't matter what you wear really. Just dress however and go with it. I think jeans are the way, but "follow your heart." (Just because you have a lot of options doesn't mean it is an important decision to make. Clothes just make you un-nude.)
Milan is a vital step in the progress of every young existentialist right in between the "Doors / Jim Morrison" stage and the"Camus' / Outsider" stage.
I have to second the SNakes flying a plane T-shirt with blazer and jeans. classy but comfortable
I would definitley have to second (third? eighth?) the Snakes Flying A Plane t-shirt/black blazer/jeans combonation. Show them Hollywood folk how it's done!
Of course, it would be more Jeffrey Rowland, Cowboy Poet-y to show up shirtless, tattoos a-blazin'. Paris Hilton would faint on sight.
In a slightly different vein, I cannot wait for the Joanna dolls to go on sale! I have a feeling that my Ugly Doll, Herberta, would find her a most excellent companion.
P.S. You should show up at the premiere with Joanna under your arm.
Oh my. That truly is a beautiful thing.
In an update on my last comment:
WOOOO! I can take my music on the plane again!
That squishy Joanna should totally feature in a live-action overcompensating.
I've never seen anyone that wants you to see pictures of their cat.
But there certainly are a lot of people that want you see pictures of their puss...*dragged off stage by large hook*
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
You should actually take the stuffed Joanna prototype to the premiere and walk up the carpet with her under your arm. That's what I reckon, anyway.
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