The Problems Of The Privileged

So yes The Situation is desperate now that people are unable to, I don't know, wash their hair while they are on an airplane. Do you know how to deal with not being able to bring liquids on an airplane? Don't bring liquids on an airplane. I realize that as Americans the most minor inconvenience can be interpeted as an act of war but just leave your dang Red Bulls and toothpaste at home -- they will have these items where you are going.
Now that the heat wave has let up I can get back to hardcore projects; I am completely rewriting Case of Atlantis and I am working on an Ovecompensating collection entitled "A Dangerous Obsession." Also... Stuffed Joannas!

Doth mine eyes deceive me? Nay, it be true! Stuffed Joannas! Oh joyous days!
"Overcompensating: The Book" sounds pretty great too. Nice!
Miter Rowland, may all of your aspirations need only perseverance and commitment to come true. Your art has made my life, and the world, a better place.
No joke.
People who love cats and people who love zombies can unite in joy at long last! You have given me my brother's birthday gift! There is nothing he could love more!
A couple of weeks ago I drew up a sweet 100%-accurate pattern in Illustrator and went out and bought some fuzzy green fabric and I had a plan, I tell you, a PLAN and I was gonna send my first-ever stuffed Joanna to you...and once again I discover I am just TOO DAMN LATE. Now whatever I make will be a bastard knockoff Joanna whose golden proportions no one will ever get to appreciate, even if she does come with her own little liquor bottle and souvenir Princess Leia costume from the comic-con. That's what I get for...well, that's just what I get.
You know, with people not being able to bring water in flights and the typical size of an in-flight drink, embolism rates will soar.
I will buy an OverCompensating book and a stuffed Joanna and the Case of Atlantis.
I wish I could listen to my music on the plane.
Yeah the ipods thing is horse crap kind of
Is it just me or does "stuffed Joanna" sound like a Dirty Sanchez or a Hot Karl?
I can only hold out hope that, should freedom be personified, she stays the fuck away from the HELL that is Vanilla Coke.
OMG stuffed Joannas??!! Do you understand that I've been dreaming of such a thing for some time now? I'd even considered making my own. or at least begging you to manufacture &/or sell them. as it turns out, i was too lazy to do either before you got to making this announcement.
thank you for being psychic and making my week!
Spices... or... THE SPICE?
In five years, we will all be flying nude with sore rectums.
I've frequently done 14 and 18 hour plane flights. Not being able to take a bottle of water on the plane will suck. Waiting for a flight attendant to show up with a spillable glass is not the same.
I'm glad I can at least fly with a book or magazine. United Airlines' limited movie choices are awful for the overseas flights. Singapore Air is at least 2.45 times better than UA
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