
03 December 2004

The Stoned Samurai

I've decided to live my life based on what Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai tells me. That book has every answer you could ever even think of asking.

Belated big ups to Warren Ellis and his crew. Keep representin,' weed to the peeps.

02 December 2004

Mrs. Madeleine Rainbow Rowland

I really am a pretty bad friend and everything. I'm sorry, friends.

01 December 2004

Lasers Solve Everything

The lens flare is mightier than the lens sword!

I read something yesterday where the word "blog" was like the word of the year or something like that. Apparently it narrowly beat out "huh," "suck," and "chesticle."

30 November 2004

Botox For the Soul

As you can see, I messed up the size of this comic when I drew it, and didn't notice until after I colored it.

The schedule should be back to normal now, at least until X-mas.