
14 September 2006

Driving Miss Dongle Part Four

This comic is up early because I feel like it has a really good insult! Here is a link to the Magical Adventures in Space Wikipedia entry for the unitiated.

I should also mention that I have a lot of readers who are members of, and the terrible actions of a lone douchebag does not mean that the site makes people evil. That's like saying Myspace causes people to be ignorant drama-whores who can only be photographed from two feet above their face. Oh wait.

Driving Miss Dongle Part Three

Woah, I was just reading some of the comics from back in the day. Seriously there is probably something wrong with me.

12 September 2006

Driving Miss Dongle Part Two

I had almost forgotten how fun Magical Adventures in Space stories are to make! All you need is to let you mind go completely blank and find a lot of synonyms for Bible words.

The weather has finally returned to a state where I can set up an outside drawing area and not worry about getting heat exhaustion or bird flu from a mosquito.

If you ordered a TopatoCo Box shirt in American Apparel, we got a big batch of L and XL with discolored fabric that we have to send back. These orders are still on the way but delayed slightly. Thank you for your patience.

I don't know about you guys, but I have had it with Lindsay Lohan's private parts.

Driving Miss Dongle Part One

You may have noticed the recent crackdown involving high-profile celebrities and their dangerous menacing of our fair streets. I say, "it's about time!"

Even though Fiddy was arrested doing something classy, it got me thinking. You know about the conspiracy that the government invented crack to "thin the numbers" of inner city people? What if the government invented 50 Cent to make inner city people think getting shot is cool?

I really liked what Keith Olbermann's had to say about nine eleven [youtube].

11 September 2006

Five Years

Five years since nine-eleven, seriously? Seems like ten years. Kind of a lot has happened since then! I found the comic I did five years ago and here it is.

Also let me know if you'd be interested on working on a wiki-type project for these here comics! I am trying to install Mediawiki and set up a small crew to watch over it.