
07 April 2006

I Turn My Webcam On

In my career of wriggling through the digital entrails of our CyberVillage, I have seen a lot of changes. Sometimes I feel like a dashing adventurer, venturing into these CyberTombs and even though I know what is behind that crusty old eDoor will be unbearably horrible it is my duty to open it anyway. There is hope that you will learn from my mistakes. When all a person has is a webcam, a Swiss Army knife, and an unending stream of absolutely useless information you can guarantee the result will not be pretty.

Have good weekend out there in the "real world," and if you find yourself refreshing the same website more than four times in one hour, go do something else. Do not allow some article about a man who has fifty Realdolls expedite your uncontrollable freefall to the grave.

05 April 2006

Terrible Is The New Awesome

When you get to be a certain age, everything that is cool seems to be a lot of nonsensical, idiotic jibberish. The music that blares from the pimp rides makes no sense; it all sounds like a man with severe autism halfheartedly explaining human sexuality to a parrot, while in the background a dangerously unqualified Caribbean contractor rhythmically installs an automatic garage door opener. Bollocks.

Fortunately Cowboy-Poets are shielded from the slow decay of rad. We make the rad, we plant the seeds of fresh. Terrible is not the new awesome, not at all. Wack it the new dope.


It is that special day! 123456 day only occurs once every 12,345 years, so live it up! Math is so complicated. You know what else happens for a long time? Goats. Mr. Jon Rosenberg is my good friend and he has been doing his comic for nine years. He's crazier than a rooster at a rave where Elvis comes in butt-naked except for an AK-47. Be cool, Elvis.

Um in other news where the heck are the Missile Crisis books? I will talk to the printer in the morning, I want you all to see it!

Let's do this thing, let's go get 'em.

04 April 2006

Future Shock

Once again John Titor has entered our collective life. There's a very strong possibility I've been spending too much time alone.

Still waiting on Missile Crisis books. I will keep you updated. Excelsior!

03 April 2006

The Legend of Vampicorn

Thousands of years ago, Dracula and a Unicorn walked into a bar. They were the best of friends because they understood each other. Dracula understood that Unicorns had to live in seclusion because poachers (Orcs) desired their magical horns, and the Unicorn understood how Dracula had to live in seclusion because everyone wanted to burn him to death.

Then they started arguing about religion and began to scream at each other, and the bartender (a Hobbit) asked them to take it outside. They did, and Dracula began to shove the Unicorn. The Unicorn, though he could have easily pierced Dracula through the heart with his horn, stayed true to the Unicorn's Code which was to never use violence to solve a problem. Dracula bit the Unicorn. The Unicorn was very upset and went into a deep depression for thousands of years.

Now the dreaded Half Vampire/Half Unicorn has returned, his fiery heart yearning for dreams. He is unstoppable. Or is he? We can't even figure out what to call him.

I am working on a short Magical Adventures story to be released for free on the web (and maybe a supplement in "The Case of Atlantis." Two pages have been inked, see the colored version of page one here.

God bless you and have a magnificent week.