I usually write notes that I need to remember on the inside of my wrist because that part doesn't rub off really easily. But today when I noticed I'd written CVB on my arm I had absolutely no idea what I was referring to. This is the first time this has happened. I am convinced it is early-onset senility.
If you would like to see the CVB for yourself and help solve the mystery come out to the SPXpo this weekend in Bethesda, MD! Many of your favorite cartooning people will be there, like Poopmonster, The Englishman, Dr. Vampire, Mr. Jon Rosenberg, CloudStompter, The GynoStryker... so many to pick and choose from! Take one home with you why don'tcha?!
So as soon as I upload this me and The Poopmonster are gonna start loading up old Rolly. See you on Monday!