
13 January 2006

That's What It's All About

I'd be lying if I said this comic wasn't from a bumper sticker I saw today. But today is when the Val-Pak coupons actually came. Yesterday's comic was just an eerie premonition.

You know, sometimes the inter net is okay. Case in point: The Batgirl Thing.

I am excited! I have an entire weekend to be not sick and listen to bad 90s hiphop and just draw my brains out. See you on Monday, go Team InterNet!

12 January 2006

Val Pak

There's something deeply wrong with every single person on earth. That's what makes people great!

TopatoCo is pleased to announce that we will now be doing shipping for Daily Dinosaur Comics and White Ninja Comics merchandise! That's two new tentacles stapled to the soft underbelly of our horrendous leviathan.

And happy birthday, Poopmonster! He's doing like nine comics today or something.

11 January 2006


This is why you have to be careful where you shoot your gun and swing your sword. You might accidentally decapitate a Shadow Person or Space Faery.

To provide assurance that things are progressing on the Wigu Mangacomiczine Book here is a preview of page one of the story. It's a strange sensation to actually formulate an entire story and release it all at once; I hope you will enjoy what I am trying out here.

Also, check out the Poopmonster's new web-site: I♥Pixels!

10 January 2006

Birthday Song

It's the Poopmonster's birthday this week and he always does something fancy for his birthday so keep an eye on that dude.

I just spent a good ten minutes looking at this Flick account (some NSFW) hooked up to a photo-booth in a bar in San Francisco.

Why does everybody think that picture of that one-eyed cat is real? It's so fake.

09 January 2006

Like a Virgin

So the "rebel billionaire" thinks he can compete with me? Good luck buddy, you're gonna need it. Also I am just kind of assuming Sir Richard Branson's office is on top of a hot air balloon. It seems right.

I am slowly recovering from my recent illness. I can sit up for almost half an hour now without getting dizzy and sweating. I can stare an object for almost ten seconds now before it begins to bend.

The next Wigu story is coming along nicely, and centers around Quincy's brother Andre. The script is written, some pages are pencilled, and I'm only a couple of days behind schedule (which is seriously remarkable for me). There's some things to be done, website things, and I'm having some issues with the lettering size, etc. This is life; nothing good ever comes easily.