
01 September 2006

Selling The Image

Once again, we prove that it is possible to be too fancy.

Last night The Gynostryker showed me this website called At first it was incredibly sad. Then we dug a little deeper and it was creepy. A little more digging proved it downright terrifying. I'll leave you with that!

Also don't forget there are only about 12 10 hours left to get free shipping!

31 August 2006

The Fancy Times

You know, there's something about a nice suit that makes people take you a little more seriously, even when you shouldn't. Sometimes a suit is the only thing that separates powerful people from the common, ordinary street lunatic.

For example, if a man wearing five coats and a shoe on his head came up to you and said "God told me to invade Iraq" you would get scared and yell for help. But if someone in a suit says "God told me to invade Iraq," people apparently take them seriously. Remember that? Ah, the good old days.

30 August 2006

The Website That Shows You What Celebrities You Resemble

Have you ever seen that website that shows you what celebrities you supposedly resemble? Man, what is up with that?

29 August 2006

Rainbows are Pretty

I had this big, funny, jokey post thing about how I was going to start the Take Back The Rainbow Movement or whatever but then I saw this. And this. And then I was like, "You know what? Maybe gays get to have the rainbow because of all the crap they actually have to put up with."

Anyway it was a funny idea until I found out it had already been done in a completely inappropriate way.

The good news is, we are this close to having SUPER-SCIENTOLOGISTS.

27 August 2006

T-Shirts on the Interweb

It's true that the Interwub t-shirt market is ridiculously saturated. Fortunately for TopatoCo (and the rest of Dumbrella for that matter) the vast majority of "designers" are pathetic, untalented rip-off artists (exhibit A) whose formula for making a good t-shirt design is "Take Something Will Ferrell Says And Put It In Cooper Black." And yes, I am aware of how silly this all is.

Anyway we've got three new designs and to celebrate we're doing free shipping until September 1 so hop on that deal.

In other news, Scott McCloud and his lovely family are about to go on a nationwide tour in a minivan, which is probably the most insane thing that's ever been done.