
25 March 2005

The Fairy of Actual Nickels

Project Catcoon has been abandoned following the discovery of a two popsicle sticks, arranged ever so delicately in a crucifix formation, smoldering on the front lawn.

Have a good Jesus Re-Animator weekend!

24 March 2005

Revenge of the Catcoon

I saw the Catcoon again last night. The Catcoon is quick. And smart, probably at least twice as smart as a regular person.

I will stop it.

23 March 2005

A Brand New Pen!

I finally got me an Aitoh Kuretake brush pen, which is a good pen. Now I am playing with power.

The Overcompensating T-shirt Combo ends Thursday!

22 March 2005


I am not going to lie to you. I saw something last night that was like a cat with a ringed tail in the alley behind the dive shop/nail salon. I am going back later to catch it.

Also we must remember the new Decemberists record is out today!

21 March 2005

Orgy of Pain

I'm not going to lie. I just needed an excuse to use the phrase "orgy of pain."