
22 November 2006

The Other White Meat

Holy gosh, how did it get to be Thanksgiving already> For those who don't know, I am half-Cherokee and from rural Oklahoma and therefore consider Thanksgiving to be mostly insulting. I'm thankful for stuff everyday, I don't need a whitewashed version of The American Holocaust and a ritual sacrifice to remind me to be grateful. I'm grateful everytime I look in the mirror and realize I am basically symmetrical.

Thank you all for your kind emails links and all about the return of Wigu! Something tells me everything is gonna be o-tay.

Vuelta de Wigu

Today is the day when Wigu is back! What's happening there is what happened on the Monday before the original series started. It is me getting back to my roots, like how Christina Aguilera did that one album in Spanish. I hope you like it.

Both Wigu and Overcompensating are works in progress and we are adding new features all over the place. Soon there will be a forums and mailing lists and RSS feed for Wigu and Overcompensating.

So for now please come back every Tuesday and Thursday for a new Overcompensating comic. Thanks!

20 November 2006

The Pony Whisperer

It's almost ready!

I just got a totally magnificent piece of reader art from Joshua in which the interweb finally gets it's come-uppance!

19 November 2006

God, Destroyer of Worlds

I always wondered if the Biblical Apocalypse is supposed to just affect Earth or the entire Universe. The whole Revelations End Scenario seems to be extremely Earth-centric. It seems to me that if the entire universe were to come to a clean, theological end, then some photon-based, intelligent, peace-loving critter a million light-years away might be affected, and I don't know about you, but I don't want that at all!

The good news is, that old MTV show The State is being released on iTunes [youtube, nsfw]! I am very happy about this, as The State seriously comes up about once a week in my world.

We are so close to the new site going live, I can barely stand it. Just a few more hours.