
12 May 2006

Deoxyribonucleic Awesome

This is a continuation of yesterday's comic. If something doesn't really exist, we should just make it! There's nothing that can stop science, ha ha ha.

Tomorrow I am gonna sign the papers to move into a small hippie compound! There is a party barn and a good-sized tent, also there is a swimmin' hole. Life experiences can be fun and rewarding.

In other news, monkeys like to get completely wasted. Take that, Scientology! Some days, I wish I was a real scientist instead of just a complete crackpot.

11 May 2006

The Creator

Anything can exist if you just believe hard enough. That's why most people don't ever do anything, because they don't believe hard enough. That's why I am gonna build a Unicorn. And what's to stop me from building a Pegasus Unicorn? Nothing, that's what.

Frontalot is on tour this time! Are you gonna? You oughta.

It is Go For It O'clock! Let's go!

10 May 2006


I am so sick of war. I wish they would invent a special bomb that would just take war out in the alley and beat it to death with a sledgehammer.

Oh man I feel like I have been dragged around by a horse for about a week. I hope I didn't get bit by a bird. Maybe a haircut will make me feel better. I haven't had a haircut since December.

However I am cozy here in the drizzly Pleasant Valley in my new Deux Ex Machina hoodie by Dorothy, also her Capitalists shirts are mind-blowingly accurate.

09 May 2006

The Worst That Can Happen

All that work trying to draw the comics when I was a kid is finally paying off.

Now I would like to speak just a little about The Case of the Missile Crisis, and the delays a lot of you experienced in getting your copy.

We at TopatoCo were woefully unprepared for the volume of that book that sold. "We" at TopatoCo, up until that point, for all intents and purposes, was just me. Before the book, TopatoCo was operating off just one computer, even with the additional shipping clients. However, after orders for the book started coming in, it was a desperate situation involving lots of screaming cusses and a sudden crash course in merging xml and csv files with the shipping software. Things blowed up bigtime, and it's been a horrifying game of catchup for the past couple months.

Long story short, we got two more computers and about 30 hours a week of labor and we're now finally operating at the level we should be for our current volume of output, which is crazy. I am extremely DIY-oriented, and independent to a ridiculous fault. That's gotta change, and it is changing. My goal is to get your orders out within two or three days, and be able to have two days off a week (I haven't had an actual real day off since January I think [oh wait I had two in March!]).

To a brighter day without delays and no lawsuits!

08 May 2006

The Girl Next Door

I did a gig ghostwriting for a certain comics syndicate a few years back, and they never paid me. Now we're even.

This weekend consisted of painting, moving tons of books around, and lesbian dance parties. It's an interesting feeling being in a room with a hundred drunk lesbians. I highly recommend it.

I got a lot of work to do this week, talk to you tomorrow!