
31 March 2006


The Gynostryker only has two weaknesses, and one of them is Tuesdays.

Missile Crisis books are being printed now. The plan is to start shipping them early next week! It might take a few days to get to yours due to the insane number of stamps there are to lick. Fortunately we're told stamp glue tastes like peanut butter now.

I have heard a couple of leaked tracks (from the open windows of stolen cars) from the new Flaming Lips record and holy schamoley! I'm not sure if I'm supposed to link to the video [imbedded Quicktime video] for the "Yeah Yeah" song but there it is.

Tons of Snakes Aboard a Flight merch shipping this weekend. Man, I was into Cryptozoology when y'all thought Bigfoot was just a monster truck.

30 March 2006

The Puppet Master

Today was a good day! Beautiful weather, plowed through a ton of orders, got an excellent new assitant, went for a very pleasant and inspiring ride, and David Icke was on Coast to Coast.

You know, when people ask me who my influences are, I'm going to have to be honest from now on and say David Icke is up there. The dude simply makes the world a better place, whether he realizes it or not.

29 March 2006

Accomplish the Task

Call me crazy but I just just don't think "Larry the Cable Guy" is very funny. I mean I understand that poor people are dirty and ignorant, and whenever anything happens involving the genitals or anus it is mind-bogglingly hysterical. Those are facts, not comedy.

Someone's been stealing my mail at my apartment. Now I'm not one of those insane people who says people are stealing their mail all the time, but there are spiders all over me.

28 March 2006


It's true! Give a baby a "Dilbert" gewgaw, and you can pretty much guarantee that child will spend his or her formitive years in a cubicle farm. Give a baby a TopatoCo gewgaw, and you can pretty much guarantee that baby will spend his or her formitive years in and out of halfway houses and interrogation rooms.

The Metaverse! Flight 3! I'm too wired. Time to go run around the building sixty-six times chanting "sixty-six" sixty-six times.

26 March 2006


I wonder if Rupert Murdoch even knows what Myspace is for? I know I sure don't.

Let's begin this week right in the old Blogodrome! If you like mashups those crazy Kleptones have a couple of hours of stoled music for you to jam to.

Also an apology is in order to someone. You know who you are. I dropped a nuke in the middle of a dodgeball game, and I sure am sorry about that.

And a message to Charlie Sheen: stop making the rest of us conspiracy theorist crazers look bad, okay man?