
08 September 2006

The Way... Of the Master

A few weeks ago, a question was raised: What the hell ever happened to Kirk Cameron? The answer came quickly and loudly and included embedded video. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Way of The Master Ministries, in which (as a very comforting graphic involving Kirk and a chimp reveals) Kirk Cameron is for some reason the end result of evolution.

I don't know why I've been ramblin' about religion lately. I just wish people would wise up and realize it is possible for everyone believe in the same Type of God and also be able to accept logical scientific discoveries. Only problem is, everybody wants it to be Their God. Or else.

07 September 2006

Browsed Tabbing

Man I hardly ever talk about Interwub stuff but I love Firefox and Thunderbird, I really do (on my Windows and Apple machines). Also if you read some of the bigger Cyber-logs (AKA Clogs) then our former cellmate Lore has written the ultimate one.

Vermont Pete is real close to finishing his smashup. His girlfriend The Outrider is going out of town next week and he assures me that he is going spend all next week trying not to spill whiskey on his mixing board.


For some reason I trying to find more information about the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders, which I remember quite well from my youth which primarily occured about a mile down the road from where that actually happened. I wonder if there's any way I can help solve this crime?

06 September 2006

The Time Tinkerer

Today's topic is Jesus movies! I just saw the trailer for Jesus Camp which seems kind of like a movie we watched recently called Hell House which is basically a movie about what it was like for me as a boy growing up in Oklahoma. Jesus was like a superhero whose secret identify was the winner of American Idol.

It's like there's two types of people -- people who can't believe people actually do that sort of thing and people to whom that sort of thing is completely normal. I fall in the latter category but as a midwest refugee I am in the minority now.

In non-Jesus movie news I promised the Avett Brothers I would give them a link! If you get a chance to see these guys you are in for a wicked hoot-nanny, and if you don't have an excellent time I will personally give you a neck massage.

05 September 2006

The Revolution May Not Necessarily Be An Improvement

A lot of people talk trash about the people in charge, and a lot of times they're right. Sometimes I think they're wrong, but most of the time I know deep down the ruling people don't have a lot to work with.

We live in a society where 71% of people are below average, and that number grows every day. "Average" is the status quo and we'll never have really smart President because really smart people know that only an idiot would want a job where you spend your vacations clearing brush on a ranch in Texas.

04 September 2006

Labor Day

Ow, my head feels like it got stepped on. Who stepped on my head?

This Labor Day we are watching the Season 3 DVD of Arrested Development! TopatoCo is away from the computers today but we will return Tuesday with a newfound sense of what the last episodes of Arrested Development are like.

We're also pouring 40 ounces of crocodile juice out for our friend Steve Irwin.