
18 February 2006

I Am Good At Desiging T-Shirts

I had to drop these new t-shirts for several reasons. I intended to finish the Wigu book first but then I got an estimate on what my income tax is going to be for 2005 and I almost started a Revolution. Anyway I am back on that right now, and back to business as usual in general!

Gentlemen! Show everyone how smart you are without saying a word! Ladies! Cover up those unsightly boobs with these new TopatoCo brand t-shirts!

16 February 2006

This is Not Funny

I am completely terrified of my taxes this year. Everytime I think about my taxes I cry until I have dry heaves. Fortunately, as we all know, dry heaves are really good exercise.

Are there any OC readers in Western Mass. who know how to do taxes right? If so, would you get in touch with me?

Hopefully that Bird Flu had a good birthday. Sorry this is a little late, some of us actually did things today.

15 February 2006

Absolutely Nothin'

The temptation to use this "blog" as a vehicle to express my opinions about serious issues is extremely strong sometimes. I went to bed last night thinking about the war, and torture, and trying to figure out how to stop people from hurting each other. But you know what? There is no answer. We're evolved enough to know right from wrong but not evolved enough to know which one to do. We're animals and it'll be thousands of years before our collective species will be able to understand what is really the right thing to do.

Of course an Extinction Level Event is far more likely to occur before people figure out that getting along and having a good time are far more important than killing each other over Turf, Loot, and God.

Okay, sorry to be a bummer! Here is another page from the Wigu book to make up for it! Sorry it is way overdue. Lately by the time I get time to work on it it's after 12 or more hours of work. It's almost done. See ya!

14 February 2006

The Taint

The funny part is, I tricked Topato! By having him delete the worldline in which we murdered Cupid, he also in effect deleted our transaction. At least I think that's how it all works. I'm sure nothing bad will come of this.

There are some hell of wicked entries in the contest! Check 'em out, I believe there's still time to construct something.

Also haha Wondermark! Also, if you have seen my cellphone please let me know, it's missing and I'm afraid it's hurt.

13 February 2006

The Smoothest Aphrodisiac

Actually, no one knows why Dick Cheney shot his friend. I think he should be more responsible though! You're supposed to be responsible with your firearms, that's like the first thing they teach you.

I am listening to Howard Bloom talk about flexible fuel vehicles. It's important stuff to learn about! I have so much to do this week. Some of us can't go out quail hunting with our friends all the time because we have work to do!

I will be dropping three new tshirt designs this week so be sure to put in for extra shifts at the banana stand!