
25 February 2005

Oui Oui

Consider the gauntlet thrown. Paris, we need to talk.

24 February 2005

The Stars of Ninja Rodeo

Have you ever been to a rodeo? I have. They are kind of fun in much the way that being held underwater by a gorilla is fun.

Getting killed by an animal would be the worst, wouldn't it? At least if a human murders you, at least one of you is going to enjoy it.

23 February 2005

Green Trash Fantasies

So ends the continuity portion of our story. Baby is British I guess. It is implied that doctors can fix things such as accidental dying.

If I was a girl I would be all about a side ponytail.

22 February 2005


I finally played Resident Evil 4 for about 15 hours straight on Sunday. I didn't finish it, but I will someday. I am not a bad enough dude to save the President's daughter.

21 February 2005

Jeffrey Burrito

I am finally feeling better, and just in time to move in with two crazy Louisiana dudes this week. Fortunately I live by a simple philosophy: Possess no more belongings than can allow you to leave town in 15 minutes and also live like you might end up with a reason to have to do that.

Is continuity killing Overcompensating? It makes me uncomfortable.

Also I hope that Hunter S. Thompson is not regretting his decision at this point, and hopefully is feeling better.