
23 June 2005

Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya

Dammit drawing this one was like drawing with big old welding gloves on because my hands and arms are all sore from packing yesterday.

Well I'll be away from the Inter Net for a couple of days while I fly my car to Massachussets. You can email if you if you need anything but I won't read it until Sunday. Goodbye, Oklahoma. I will miss your incredibly stupid ways.

22 June 2005


Two days left until Overcompensating is no longer an Oklahoma-based comic. I need to get two pallets and a bunch of that clingy wrap stuff.

Perhaps "Pallet World" will have the answers.

21 June 2005


I'm going to go do this right now, I am going to bury a box that has this message.

I am packing up all my stuff to drive to Massachusetts on Friday, so this comic is extra big in case I don't have time to do one later this week.

20 June 2005

Black People

We have new shirts designs at TopatoCo, designs that demand respect:

, , and

I do wish I had more black friends. Myself being somewhere in the vicinity of 1/16 African, I feel a constant, nagging urge to reconnect with my people. At least I can identify with The Front. He's playing Thursday night at The Bitter End in NYC, so go check him out if you get a chance.