Even with my goggles strapped so tightly to my head that blood could not reach my scalp, even with my reflection blinding me out of my leather pants and a fishnet tanktop so distressed it actually makes me lighter; despite my darkest mascara and a European pomeade that requires acetone to wash out, I couldn't crack the encryption so I could jack into the node yesterday. I crashed, baby. And I burned.
Thanks to Z3r05|_||\/|G4|\|g574 for jacking in with his cyberdeck and then removing his motorcycle helmet to reveal that he is actually a -- get this -- a she!! Everyone just assumed such an extreme hacker would have been a XY. There is a lesson for us all. And thanks to everyone who emailed re: the TopatoCo position. I didn't expect to get so many responses! I will get back to everybody after some more equipment comes in.