
09 December 2006

Serious Issues

There's a lot of news in the world, and the reason everybody thinks it's the end of the world is because bad news sells better than good news! There is good news, and one of the good newses is that Diesel Sweeties might be in your local newspaper! Now I know what you're thinking -- what the hell is a newspaper? -- but I assure you they still exist and can be made marginally better.

If you're not familiar with The Gynostryker's modus operandi, you should click about six words back.

"Again with the global warming," you say! But you know what, global warming is serious. How serious? This serious.

There is a movie called Brick that you need to see because it's really good. Also there is a movie called Clerks 2 that you don't need to see. Watching Clerks 2 is like watching a 6-year-old girl who is dressed like a fairy princess throw up for two hours. She is throwing up on her favorite teddy bear, and you can't do anything about it.

08 December 2006

Probably Too Late For Xmas

If you're reading this, it is probably too late to get TopatoCo Merchandise before December 25. We have a lot of stuff in stock but chances are the thing you want is out of stock. If you have any last minute requests please email me personally at and we'll see if we can get it to you, but we promise nothing after this point.

07 December 2006

My Own Prison

When the feeling you're feeling can be described by the title of a Creed album, you've got problems. Maybe I've got S.O.-S.A.D. Or maybe I'm just a giant doucehbag. At least I use proper capitalization and punctuation most of the time.

04 December 2006


I've always wanted to do this, to drill a hole through earth and jump in, but have you price those machines lately! Sheesh!

This comic will be updated as I get less sick.