
14 April 2006

Question Blocks

This comic is a delayed reponse to the recent Question Boxes fiasco. Ryan has basically explained the entire scenario in the first link. Long story short: Some girls wanted to make the world wonderful and mysterious, but the State of the Union requests mundane monotony. Safety takes all the fun out of life.

Rumors are running wild that I am doing a guest comic for Scary-Go-Round (authored by That Dirty Englishman). We'll see what happens this weekend.

Books shipping tomorrow! It's about freakin' time.

I will close this blog post with a link to some Flying Animals. They're like regular animals, only they are flying.

13 April 2006

Night Mares

I'm all out of clean undies and going to Target to buy new undies or actually doing laundry aren't convenient, so I bought new undies off the internet today. I've got a Vampicorn to upset to death!

1,050 copies of Missile Crisis arrive here on Friday, and there rest will be here on Tuesday. I got 2,750 blank labels, three thermal printers, three computers and three human beings waiting for them when they get here.

12 April 2006

We Got to Pray Just to Make it Today

Grab the wooden stake with a dreamcatcher stapled to it... or something. We're going Vampicorn huntin' tonight.

Have you ever dreamed of being a webcomics journalist? Fleen needs writers.

Today I read Beaver and Steve for about ten minutes and it made me stop crying for almost half an hour. Then it was back to business as usual.

11 April 2006

The Wall

There are lots of reasons not to build a giant wall along the border of Mexico. Let's help Mexico be a better place to live. Attention Mexicans! America will destroy your culture! Another reason is the inability to escape America when it finally hits the fan. Are we building a wall... or a prison?

Now I'm no prophet, but I can tell you what's going to happen in the future with intense certainty, and I can almost guarantee you something bad is going to happen. You may recall the vision of my future self Kerry Edwards, which is the name I change my name to so I can save money on bumper stickers. You should never start going back in time and fixing things you think you did wrong.

Okay I talked to the printer and the Missile Crisis books will be here on Thursday! I can't wait to get these things into your hands. Hopefully the next one will be a lot quicker.

I am discontinuing the Whitey and Complaints t-shirts on Friday, so now is the time to snag them up. I am working on classier, more thinly-veiled liberal propaganda. Until tomorrow, enjoy Cat and Girl! TopatoCo will be doing shipping for Cat and Girl in the very near future.

10 April 2006


I don't know if it's cool or not to make a big movie about Nine Eleven. It is a low point in history, and the vengenance process hasn't been exactly rewarding since there've been almost as many American troops killed as were killed on Nine Eleven, and the people who are supposed to make sure everything is okay are just making things worse.

I wish everybody could just say "hey everybody, let's just be cool and let's figure out how to get smarter so we can make sure our children aren't gunned down by military people or we don't blow half the planet off." Nine Eleven is something that all human beings should be ashamed of. There is no reason for civilized people to act like this. Ya'll don't know how to act right.

However if it wasn't for war there'd be no way to ever make a movie called Snakes on a Light-Armored Humvee: The Magical Humvee That Was Powered by the Dreams of Two Little Girls.

Anyway so I am guess kind of against blastin' suckaz for they loot. Blast suckaz cuz they actin' like punks.

Somewhat related - Exit Mundi: A Collection of End-of-World Scenarios.