
04 August 2006

P's Hole

Probably not many of you have heard the tale of Mel's Hole. This guy called Mel Waters supposedly found a bottomless pit on his property, and he did a lot of scientific experiments on the hole such as dropping things down into it. The government gave him some money for the hole area after threatening to "find a drug lab on it," and Mel proceeded to blow the money on drugs. Mel is currently searching for a new bottomless hole.

This leads us to the Hollow Earth theories, one of which was invented by the famous Edmund Halley whose precios little comet you all love so much.

All of this all might be true; I can't be too sure because I'm too distracted by the GOP only wanting to raise the minimum wage if extremely wealthy people are allowed to become slightly richer.

Speaking of money and the distribution of it, the deadline for guaranteed August 17 delivery of Plane-snakes apparel has passed but if you pick one up before Monday and you're domestic you can maaaybe still get it in time.

Have an Xtreme weekend, I'll see you at the Kaiju Big Battel show. Also Coast to Coast's premium service is free this weekend. I would not know about Mel's Hole if it wasn't for Coast to Coast.

02 August 2006

Humping Hot

Translation: It was extremely hot in the office today and the air conditioner has been leaking water in the photography studio below us, so we said "screw it" and came home under the AC and drank beer and watched Firefly, and nobody gets tired of hearing people talk about how hot it is.

The reason Firefly got cancelled was because of that stupid theme song. We played Europe's "The Final Countdown" over the opening credits and it syncs up exactly.

01 August 2006

Goodbye Hollywood

I was just about to sit down and record my first hip-hop album after getting my chakra cleansed and I realized I was tired of the whole Hollywood scene. For a couple of weeks anyway.


Sometimes it just doesn't work out.

31 July 2006

Hollywood Jeffrey

Somehow I've always known that Hollywood people are somehow superior to regular people, and now that I am peripherally involved with them, I know it to be true! I still remember what it was like to be a common prairie person though, so things won't change too much.