
08 July 2005

The Chosen One

I am not sure what the schedule for OC will be like next week since The Poopmonster and I are heading out to Comic-Con on Tuesday. This all depends on the time and technology which will be available. In the meantime Wigu will be updating like clockwork and this story is really marvelous I think.

Only five days till Comic-Con! Get your yiffin' boots ready!

07 July 2005

The Terrible Life of Her Headmistress

Things are going nicely here at TopatoCo-Dumbrella. We may have found a way to get some last-minute stickers ready too. Will keep you advised.

Only six days till Comic-Con! Be sure to hydrate yourself properly in that Stormtrooper costume!

06 July 2005

Madame V and The Poopmonster

Apparently somebody found my wallet somewhere and turned it in so I have it again, but I had already cancelled all my credits cards and such. At least I get to hang onto that sweet-ass Oklahoma driver's license for a while longer.

Be sure to check out Andy's stuff at Kid Robot in NYC Thursday night! More info here.

Only seven days till Comic-Con! Time to dust off your tiny pervert pen cameras and Sailor Moon outfits!

05 July 2005

Have You Seen My Wallet

Dangit, have you seen my wallet anywhere? I lost it somewhere on Sunday I think. Most everything in it can be replaced but there are some pictures of me and Star Jones in there that I'd really rather not get out.

Are you a person who could get favors done in terms of hotel accommodations in San Diego from the 12th to the 19th? Please notify me if you can. We have reservations at an 11-star hotel but we'd rather spend the cash on other things if you know what I mean. HUGS.

04 July 2005


Seriously hooray for America! There are a lot of things about it that are dumb but I am glad I live here. Well done, America.