
10 March 2006

Blog Song

With the new iBlogoscope Pro you can wriggle blindly through the moist, decaying flesh of free information just like the maggot you are. Three hundred and sixty degrees of things you never really needed to know about.

Just kidding, Blogosphere, you know I consider you mildly digestible on occasion. But I'm calling you the Blogodrome from now on. You know it's cooler!

Wigu book ABSOLUTELY BEGINS PRE-ORDERS on the occasion of the next OC update! I realize I am like the boy who told the chicken to remind the wolf that the sky is falling, but I mean it this time, officer. I really mean it.

08 March 2006

The Sentient Life

Something feels mildly hypocritical being a dude and having an opinion about abortion. However, until that sweet, sweet day when we evolve to reproduce with a cloud of spores, dudes have got a little to do with it. If you don't believe a lady should be able to have an abortion if she wants to you are wrong. 6.5 billion people can't be wrong. That's about five billion more people than this planet is actually designed to handle.

The Case of the Missile Crisis will begin pre-ordering tomorrow come hell or high water. I'll explain more why it took so long to get out; basically it is a 36 page book that took twice as long per page as the old daily Wigu updates did. It's about quality y'all. And mad loot for yours truly.

I would continue to ramble but The Front is in the building, allegedly accompanied by an entourage of nubile, Nubian princesses. I've slept three of the last 40 hours.

07 March 2006

The Nerdiest of the Nerds

Nothing against Webcomics Journalists, but you really need to evaluate the motives of someone who wants to write voluminous essays about despicable wastrels like Mr. Jon Rosenberg.

That said, I am considering dedicating a day of Overcompensating to This Week in Webcomics Journalists, in which I will offer my discerning criticism on the works and lives of world-renowned webcomics journalists. Checks and balances.

In other news, Raina Telgemeier's "Babysitter's Club" book is out! Go get it! Then get my new one, which drops THURSDAY.

06 March 2006


Today's Overcompensating includes no exaggeration whatsoever, which differs from the other ones that are just slightly exaggerated. I didn't take any photos of the show but I have updated my Flickr photos!

We were mildly disappointed that the word "Blogsturbate" was already in use in the Blogodrome, but it's a good enough word to support another shove into the lexicon.

Sorry if I was a jerk to anyone the other night. I get cranky when I've been awake for more than half an hour.