
25 August 2006

The Problem With Pluto

I just want to be the first person who comes out and starts The Pluto Truth Movement. Pluto was murdered. By the government.

24 August 2006

Patriotic Songs

A couple of weeks ago I was at an intersection waiting for the light to change and there were some white people hanging around the intersection trying to get you to vote for them for some public office. They had lawn chairs at the intersection and the fabric parts were American Flag print.

Now I ain't some flag-waving mouth breather who gets in the Living section of the paper for trying to marry an American Flag, but I think sitting your ass on the flag is a might disrespectful. So as the light turned green I yelled "respect Old Glory!" out the window, took a swig of whiskey, and continued on my way to the Church of Satan.

23 August 2006

Dark Matter Is Real

Today NASA proved that dark matter actually exists. Oh boy.

22 August 2006

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

So that's that! Muchos graciases to The White Raspberry and the Skid Row Yacht Club, New Line Pictures, Brian of Snakes on a Blog, Matt and Naomi at Nelvana, Kazu and Amy, Eleanor who we ran into at Gallery Nucleus, and all the Hollywood crazers and screaming, belligerent LA weirdos who made this trip so weird and wonderful. Yay!

Now I can get back to sweet, sweet making stuff up recounting actual true things that happen to me.

21 August 2006

Snakes DVD Special

Here is the rough version of the special comic I am doing for New Line (the color version will run on the Snakes on a Plane DVD bonus features). The actual Hollywood wrapup OC extravaganza (featuring The White Raspberry and the Skid Row Yacht Club [feat. Joel Schumacher]) will run later tonight, and after that I will never mention Snakes on a Plane ever again (except for when the DVD comes out, and even then only if I don't come off as a complete turd on it).