
19 November 2005


Let's talk about other things for a little bit! There are two new apparel designs up at TopatoCo now! They are literally patriotic.

and !

The Xmas buying season approaches, after all. We're done away with our (surprisingly agile) illegal alien elves and have outsourced our elf labor to some country that ends in "stan," and it's actually cheaper! And we're passing the savings on to you as soon as I can plug my iPod into my helicopter without it making that annoying "whirring" sound in the speakers.

16 November 2005


Well so far quitting smoking is a little easier than I though. I cheated yesterday and had about a whole cigarette over the course of the day but even though I was extremely tempted have one before bed I just made sure to shoot enough heroin so knock me right out. I got angry earlier and had a couple of puffs off a butt that was in my car ashtray. I will not smoke again today. Tomorrow I plan to not smoke at all, so don't nobody piss me off.

I thought for a while I wanted my very last cigarette to be sort of ceremonious; I was gonna drive up on the mountain and have one last butt or something. But then I realized that it doesn't really deserve a ceremony. It ain't no big thing.

Weedmaster P's POT shirt is being re-released for the holidays! I'll be adding a gift-packaging option in a couple of days so if you want to buy something for a friend it can arrive in an envelope like this one. Cheers.

14 November 2005


Most of you don't know that I am a smoker and have been for quite some time. The reason you don't know is because I am kind of ashamed of it.

Therefore, I have chosen this particular time (which is incidentally the busiest I have ever been in my entire life) to strategically eliminate this habit. I realize the challenge I face is considerable, but I believe I can do it. Smoking just isn't fun anymore, you know?

Join me on my journey to non-stinkiness and less expensive health insurance! The line will be drawn here.

I also got an advance copy of the Home Movies Season 3 DVD! Oh, McGuirk, what won't you drink?