
19 October 2006

They Are Not Toys

Today is the Englishman's birthday. He considers it extremely rude to ignore this.

Mr. Jon Rosenberg is right over there signing toy satanic chickens! On Friday night Poopmonster, Tallahassee, possibly Vermont Pete and I are off to Boston to see MC Frontalot in the sleek, white flesh! He will say raps about such things as computers.

To get to Boston from here you have to go through Worcester. For some reason people in Massachussets don't know how to pronounce "Worcester" right, they say it like "Wis-tah." People from Massachussetts have problems.

18 October 2006

Winston the Bald Lemur

Tallahassee's been teaching all of us about the dangers of food, and a lot of it makes sense, what with the way everything is. I'll be honest when I say that I will have a Mountain Dew about twice a month, but drinking diet soda almost seems ridiculous. If you are concerned about things such as weight, just don't drink soda at all. As I write this I am drinking (organic) beer so I realize my slight hypocrisy but the risks involved in that particular beverage are well-documented and widely known with no need for obfuscation.

17 October 2006

The Large Hadron Collider

I hope this is the first comic that's been done regarding the Large Hadron Collider, which makes me comfortably nervous. Basically what they are going to try to do with the LHC is to create a form of matter that is more stable than actual matter, and also create a stable black hole. On Earth.

But I'm serious about instantaneously perishing. It seems to be the way to go.

In other news, the new cover for Edition 2 of Wigu: The Bravest Boy in the World has been designed and oh my goodness I can't wait to start working on Wigu again.

16 October 2006


I'll be glad when people learn how to start acting right, but I'll be sad because then I won't have anything else to make fun of.

Demoralized by an Angel

The preceding comic is almost entirely true! It is a remarkably accurate portrayal of reality with names changed to withold information. The trashy limo story was worth far more than the fare. The limo was full of cigarette butts. Here is the business card of the driver, so be sure to Go Limoguard for all your bodyguarding and Pimp Glass needs.

This American Life starts its free podcast today! If you've never heard this show it is one of my favorite things. Hooray for this week!

[Panel 1 L to R] Cloud, Poopmonster, The Wizard, The Gynostryker, Ryan S, Dennis McNinja, Dr. Vampire