
03 September 2005


Take that, Mister Jon Rosenberg with your weak-ass Pirate Monkey Robot. Robot Monkey Pirate Zombie Mummy Ninja Hobo Cowboy is in the house.

I'm working on a new poster this weekend. It will be a lovely watercolor print featuring the Googel Maverick and the Hugotti Diablo.

Hope you're having a good weekend! We're going to the demolition derby tomorrow.

01 September 2005


Vote for me! The End Times will be times you won't want to end! We're gonna give tax breaks to the impaled and free medicinal marijuana to the eviscerated. And when the armies of Satan come marching over the mountains, you'll be free to fire upon them with your massive stockpiles of firearms, though it will be an entirely futile offensive.

What you're witnessing in panel one is one my my daily think tank sessions with The Poopmonster. Our strategy: if it doesn't work, it was a bad idea.

In actual reality, a terrible thing has happened down south. N'awlins, you showed me the absolute best of times and the most sickeningly worst of times in a period of about half an hour a few years back. I swore I'd never visit you again and now it looks like I never may. God bless all my brothers and sisters that got in the way of Katrina's little tantrum.

30 August 2005


Today's "Penny Arcade" comic is about how some video games seem to make people talk like complete idiots. Words don't have numbers in them, guys. That's why there's letters. Notice how the numbers are actually harder to find on the keyboard than the letters they are meant to correspond to? That's because it's supposed to be like that.

Anyway, funds have been raised and the camera has been boughtened off a cyber-shop. I will soon be the proud owner of a Canon A520 and will be uploading photos to my Flickr account soon after! Thank you all, you are so swell.

A Live Journal community dedicated to Webcest has been set up. That's meta-Webcest. ITALICS.

Just got a preview copy of Clueless on DVD. At one point I memorized this entire movie.

28 August 2005


Due to the fact that I find myself with absolutely zero leisure time in recent months, I have decided to slightly scale back and spread out the comics that I make for you and me. This will give me time to do necessary things (such as making new book collections and getting TopatoCo more efficient and legal) and arguably unnecessary things (watching movies, leering at college girls). The new schedule is as follows:

Wigu: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Overcompensating: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

This is my new minimum updating schedule. Hopefully it will also benefit us by being freeing up more time to create higher quality comics. As the quality of these comics have improved, this obviously means they are more time-consuming. OC used to take an a day, and lately they've been crawling into the three-hour realm, and Wigu regularly gets into five plus hours. Like this one, this took most of the day!

Anyway I hope you understand. I'm working on creating a good RSS feed for Wigu so you can get the updates on your RSS inter nets.

I'm still raising some money to buy a new camera and selling original artwork! If I get enough money I'll start updating my Flickr account!