Due to the fact that I find myself with absolutely zero leisure time in recent months, I have decided to slightly scale back and spread out the comics that I make for you and me. This will give me time to do necessary things (such as making new book collections and getting TopatoCo more efficient and legal) and arguably unnecessary things (watching movies, leering at college girls). The new schedule is as follows:
Wigu: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Overcompensating: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
This is my new
minimum updating schedule. Hopefully it will also benefit us by being freeing up more time to create higher quality comics. As the quality of these comics have improved, this obviously means they are more time-consuming. OC used to take an a day, and lately they've been crawling into the three-hour realm, and Wigu regularly gets into five plus hours. Like
this one, this took most of the day!
Anyway I hope you understand. I'm working on creating a good RSS feed for Wigu so you can get the updates on your RSS inter nets.
I'm still raising
some money to buy a new camera and selling original artwork! If I get enough money I'll start updating my
Flickr account!