
05 May 2006

Cigarette Eddy

It is a somber Cinco de Mayo, but we must party on. We have a responsibility.

I was just thinking... what if Bald Eagles caught the Bird Flu and started biting Americans? Man, that would be some sick-ass irony.

A lot of people have been giving me credit for Myspace's Terms of Use change, but the real hero is the FCSW. We all got to keep an eye on and the creeps that run it and hang around on it.

Also here is something you can do this weekend that isn't a complete waste of your time. Please help prevent Congress from allowing some dang old companies from whatever they want to our dear old Intarwub.

Be safe, everyone.

04 May 2006

This Great Society is Going Smash

I'm really excited about these Horse-Man comics. Horse-Man was bitten by a radioactive horse. He has the strength of a man, combined with the intelligence of a horse!

In other news, has given in to my demands and altered their Terms of Use as of 1 May. Although they have yet to follow my Terms of User Use, they have dropped the part that gives them right to ownership of material that has been deleted from their servers, so that is a small victory for everybody who doesn't want their intellectual property to be permanently owned by Newscorp! That ends this little storyline... for now.

I also may have been spending too much time with The Poopmonster.

Apparently Cinco de Mayo is Friday, so strap on your alley cats. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

02 May 2006

Tom Versus the Volcano

Well, apparently has yet to comply with my Terms of Service. Shame on you,! I'll give you a few more days though, it's the fair thing to do!

OK I know a lot of you haven't got your orders yet because it has been crazy with a capital K. Please be patient with TopatoCo for just a little while longer, things were out of control like plane full of chickens. You think snakes on a plane are bad? Try a plane completely stuffed with live chickens, all crapping all over everything and screaming as loudly as their chicken throats can manage.

The new book is coming along slowly, as it has been delayed by the shipping of the first book? All of us at TopatoCo have learned a great deal from this initial endeavor. Your next book will be delivered with proufoundly increased expediancy, that is my guarantee.

01 May 2006


Jeez what a couple of days. Moving all my stuff out of my apartment down the street using only handtrucks and bungee cords was harder than I thought.

However this weekend I also had a chance to carefully read's terms of service, and if you are an artist or anyone who has ever put up any of your original work on's servers you should be aware that it is all technically the property of Myspace/Fox/Newscorp forever. While I am aware I am being extremely paranoid, as far as laws go, Myspace has every legal right to publish or distribute any of your work without compensation to you. That's what it means to "granting them a worldwide, royalty-free license."

However I think that if I can adhere to those terms of Service, Myspace can be bound by my few Terms of User Service, which are as follows:

1. As long as I allow to host my user account, Fox has to cancel Family Guy and put Futurama back on.
2. As long as I allow to host my user account, Myspace/Fox/Newscorp has to donate 50% of's revenues to Public Education in America. Kids are getting dumber by the second and Myspace isn't helping.
3. If deletes my user account, I can keep a copy of my account on my hard drive and Myspace/Fox/Newscorp is still bound by these rules.
4. I can change these rules any time I want to, and it is Myspace/Fox/Newscorp's responsibility to review this post regularly to see if there are any changes.

There, that's not unreasonable!

Case of the Mondays

Monday's OC comic will occur 12 hours from this posting. My previous habituation area was Compromised so I had to move everything out of my old apartment to a newer, more secret location, and boy are my arms tired. I have a lot of things to tell you this week, some stories, some involving the sinister Thomas Von Myspace, and some involving HorseMan. Both will entertain and thrill you in the deepest recesses of your reality.

Until then, I can sleep soundly now that nine inches of steel and plexiglass separate me from the vast, endless, insatiable cosmos.

30 April 2006

Best Coast to Coast Ever Tonight

Tonight on Coast to Coast, Kevin Mitnick is hosting and Steve Wozniak is the guest. Kevin Mitnick and Woz are going to be talking about UFOs and Bigfoots and stuff.

Here's a list of Coast to Coast's affiliates. Some of the stations have live streams also if you can't get good AM reception. Listening to a live stream from an AM radio station on an expensive laptop is the very definition of hubris.