Questionable Compensating

I had to truncate this comic on account of the size of it, but click it if you wanna see all the Questionable Content pixels! Jeph stayed so OC canon that he even used the most Xtreme lens flare Photoshop has to offer. Lens Flare Quattro, Education Version.
Snakes on a Plane. A ruthless movie with utter disdain for its most adorable characters. I believe there was a point where there was about 10 solid minutes of people screaming as they were tossed violently about the bucking fuselage with snakes dangling wildly from every available, protroding appendage. Samuel Jackson tasers snakes in the face like he's doing his taxes. It's disgusting and shallow and loud and corny. In other words, A++++++ WOULD BUY AGAIN.
I will post a full report on Monday. Don't cry, dry your eyes.