
26 May 2006

Hugs Not Jihads

Did you see the trailer for that Oliver Stone 9/11 movie? I'm not even gonna link it, just because it seems like Oliver Stone has done the unthinkable -- made a movie about 9/11 that is boring. If I made a movie about 9/11... gosh. Let's just say people would get nostalgic about The Phantom Menace.

And I am sympathetic to all the victims of that day, which unfortunately does not include only the ones who died that day. I'm not one of those people who goes around saying it was a missle or a controlled demolition, that's all pretty much Ocham's Razor. I'm suspicious of the motives.

Fortunately we seem to have narrowly escaped the asteroid tsunami. Get wild this weekend, 'cause you know this ain't gonna last much longer.

25 May 2006

When Goatse Met Tubgirl

Having read the first draft of Weedmaster P's new screenplay, I would say his story is more akin to When Harry Met Sally meets The Abu Ghraib Torture Video Outtakes.

24 May 2006

Cannon Shooting

A few words about Cannon Shooting: You can only use Lamborghinis, and Paris Hilton has to be there; in the event Paris is unavailable you can substitute any rich heiress whose job it is to photographed.

The rules are as follows: You shoot two Lamborghinis at each other, and if they hit each other you win! Bonus points if there is an explosion.

Happy birthday to a friend!

23 May 2006

Take a Hike

Climbing mountains is hard. I'm going to bed.

Here are some pictures from my adventure! Thanks everybody for your emails and presents!

22 May 2006

It Is My Birthday Again

Today is my birthday. I always wonder how many more I'm going to have. Ten? Three? Fifty?... I sure hope not. I have a pretty good Wikipedia entry so I am pretty satisified.

Today I am going to take a break from computers all day. I will not use a computer from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep.

Today I am going to take the day off and hike to the top of Mt. Tom with a sandwich and a bottle of sake. Then I will decide what to do next.

21 May 2006

The Illiterate Princess, Part 6

The Illiterate Princess story begins here!

This is the last update of The Illiterate Princess. To see the exciting conclusion of this marvelous tale, you'll need to get the Case of Atlantis, which I am going to go work on now.

Regular OC updates resume Monday.